WoW SoD: Best Mining farming routes in WoW Classic Season of Discovery

Must get those precious metals.

A Dwarf Paladin mining in Elwyn Forest
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Blacksmithing and Engineering are popular professions in World of Warcraft Classic Season of Discovery. Blacksmithing can create BiS gear while Engineering is used for runes, bombs, and other cool stuff. To make these items, you’re going to need a lot of ore and I’ll tell you where to get it. 

My all-time favorite profession in WoW (no matter which version) has always been Engineering. While it isn’t the most profitable profession, I have always loved making weird gadgets and bombs. Since I needed metals to make my engineering equipment, you can bet I know a thing or two about where to find ore. 

Best farming routes in WoW Classic SoD

I’ve spent more time playing Alliance than Horde during SoD, so I’m more familiar with those zones. With that said, I did my due diligence with Horde toons, too, so I’m not exactly out of the loop. I think overall, Alliance characters have an easier time getting Tin ore but Horde players will also have a few decent spots.

While these routes are effective, I do want to stress that you shouldn’t really need to go out and farm these. Unless you have nothing to do at max level, just play the game normally and farm the veins you come across. Gathering professions are supposed to be done on the side anyway, so try not to stress too much.

Oh, and if you don’t happen to find any ore on these routes, that probably means you have some mining competition. 

Copper farming in WoW Classic SoD

First of all, if you’re playing Night Elves, you’re going to have a bad time with Mining. While Teldrassil is rich in plants and animal skins, there just aren’t any mining veins. So, if you’re set on mining as a Night Elf, you’ll have to wait until Darkshore. For Humans, Dwarves, and Gnomes, there’s plenty of mining to be done.

Map of Elwyn Forest showing the location of copper veins
Elwyn Forest Copper Farming Route. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Humans can get a ton of Copper in Elwyn forest by following a route that leads around the northern part of the zone. Meanwhile, Dwarves and elves can simply circle the edges of Dun Morogh and collect everything they come across. No matter which of these two you pick, you’ll find plenty of Copper.

Horde players have plenty of Copper in all of their starting zones. Tauren probably has it the easiest as they can just circle the edges of Mulgore (minus the starting zone) and collect plenty of Copper. The same goes for Undead since the hills on the edges of Trisfal Glades are also rich with Copper. 

Now, Orcs and Trolls have the most Copper but have a pretty annoying pattern. The best place to farm Copper in Durotar is between Razor Hill and Orgrimmar. Unfortunately, I didn’t find this to be a fun route because it’s easy to get lost, there are too many enemies, and it just goes really slow. Because of this, I’d just wait until you get to the Barrens (almost anywhere around the edges is good) before doing any serious farming.

Tin farming in WoW Classic SoD

Tin is a pain in SoD. I’m pretty sure there’s less Tin than in WoW Classic, and the little Tin there will be hard to get because every other miner is also trying to get it. Now, I’ve spoken with a couple of WoW players and looked at some other guides, but most of them just didn’t work for me. I either only found Copper or one or two pieces of Tin. So, here are the places where I always found plenty of Tin. 

Redridge Mountains map marking where Tin ore is
Plenty of tin if you know where to look. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Redridge Mountains—specifically, the cave where the escort quest is. Yes, this cave is filled with angry Blackrock Orcs, but there’s also Tin to be found. I swear, every time I went into that cave, I ended up finding about five Tin veins without even trying. What’s also great about this spot is that many players are killing Blackrock orcs and will essentially clear the way for you, unless they, too, are mining Tin.

Another decent place for farming Tin is the lower part of Barrens, specifically where the Dwarves and the Quillboar are. They aren’t too strong, but be careful either way because they can easily overwhelm you.

Map of Barrens showing where to farm Tin
I found a good amount of tin around these parts. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Many have also told me to farm Tin in Hillsbrad Foothills, but that was a nightmare. The enemies are just too strong. There’s plenty of Tin on the cliffs at the shore, but there are also level 30 Naga and Murlocs. Because of this, I don’t recommend Hillsbrad Foothills.

Iron farming in WoW Classic SoD

Iron is barely used in SoD phase one, and you probably won’t even need it to craft most items, apart from maybe some heavy blasting powder or sharpening stones. I’m also pretty sure the spawn rate of Iron has been significantly reduced. 

Ashenvale Map showing location of Tin ore
I only ever found Iron around here. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The only reliable place where I always managed to find Iron was the eastern part of Ashenvale forest, specifically where the Silverwing Sentinels are. This area is accessible to both Horde and the Alliance, and seeing how Ashenvale is considered an end-game area for Season of Discovery phase one, I can’t think of a better place for farming Iron. Not to mention, Ashenvale is the only place where you are allowed to have a mount, which makes farming a whole lot easier.


Aleksandar Perišić
Staff Writer. Aleksandar has been gaming ever since he can remember and has been writing game reviews long before he joined Dot Esports. He loves MMORPGS, Nintendo and Indie games. He also steals gifts on Christmas but then gives them back when everyone starts to sing.