Baldur’s Gate 3: How to complete Avenge the Drowned in BG3, explained

Your decisions here can influence other quests.

An image of Redhammer the Deviser in the docking bay of the submersible in Baldur's Gate 3.
Screenshot by Dot Esports

Avenge the Drowned quest starts as a seemingly simplistic side quest in Baldur’s Gate 3, where you must uncover the beast who killed a Waveservant of Umberlee. However, discovering the beast leads to more quests and adventures, and most importantly, crucial allies.

How to start the Avenge the Drowned quest in BG3

An image of Flood Tide Allandra Grey confronting the player character in Baldur's Gate 3.
Talking to Allandra Grey starts off this quest. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To start the Avenge the Drowed quest in BG3, go to the House of the Water Queen in the southwestern part of the Lower City when you get to Baldur’s Gate. Along the way, you will pass by a harbor area wherein lies the source of the problem you will soon be tackling.

Once inside the House of the Water Queen, you will see a funeral procession coming through as the Waveservants of Umberlee are mourning one of their dead, Holli, who was tragically killed in the Grey Harbor.

The head of this procession, Flood Tide Allandra Grey, is holding the victim’s last rites when you walk in. Talking to her will lead to her asking you for a donation, following which she will tell you that Holli was killed by a noxious beast that patrols the waters of Grey Harbor.

Alternate option

Use the Speak with Dead spell (either via a character like Shadowheart or from a scroll) on the corpse of Holli to gain more information from her. She will tell you that the beast patrols the waters of Grey Harbor and is responsible for her death.

After gleaning more details from Allandra and the corpse of Holli, you can choose to help them avenge their fallen by taking care of this beast for them.

Where to find the Beast in Grey Harbor in BG3

You can find the Beast in Grey Harbor in BG3 near Flymm’s Cargo warehouse on the eastern side of Grey Harbor. But before we find the beast, we will need to know more about it.

If you stop by Grey Harbor and talk to its residents, they will cooperate since the creature also pollutes the harbor, killing most aquatic life there. One resident fisherman of the harbor will flock to your side by giving you information that will help you take it down. He will tell you the beast was spotted near Flymm’s Cargo warehouse east of Grey Harbor, so your next priority would be to visit that place.

Head down to the depths of the basement to find an underground docking area with a giant submersible next to Redhammer the Deviser, who is ready to pilot it.

An image of the NPC Redhammer the Deviser in conversation with the player character in the docking bay of the submersible in Baldur's Gate 3.
Meeting the pilot of the beast itself. Screenshot by Dot Esports

Redhammer the Deviser is the beast’s creator and pilot, which is why the Grey Harbor is in the state it is. The beast is no organic creature as the Waveservants of Umberlee thought, but a giant iron submersible developed by Redhammer.

Talking to him will lead you to learn Gortash commissioned the device as a transport system. The submersible is responsible for transporting prisoners to and from the Iron Throne, an underwater prison that holds many prisoners.

You can kill Redhammer now and avenge Holli, or you can put it off until later once you visit the Iron Throne. However, handing Redhammer over to the Waveservants now will complete the Avenged the Drowned quest.

But you can also wait until you’ve gone to the Iron Throne and completed the quests before turning him over. If you choose not to go to the Iron Throne, skip to the next main section, ‘Should you side with Redhammer or turn him in in BG3?’ If you want to complete the Iron Throne quests, which you should because completing these quests will help you in the endgame, continue on.

How to get to the Iron Throne in BG3

To get to the Iron Throne in BG3, you must use Redhammer’s submarine, as it’s the only way to get into the depths below. Just know going to the Iron Throne will incur the wrath of Gortash, so proceed with caution.

An image of the underwater prison, the Iron Throne, as you make your way to it through a submersible in Baldur's Gate 3.
The Iron Throne is a marvel of architecture to behold. Screenshot by Dot Esports

The next part will detail all the prisoners you can save from the Iron Throne to help you in your main mission against the Elder Brain. You get only six turns to save all the prisoners down here, so speed is of the essence.

How to save the Gondians in BG3

If you choose to defy Gortash and take down his Steel Watch Foundry, you will need all the help you can get. The Gondians are perfect allies who will help you do that since their brethren are forced to toil in the factory all day long. Their cells are located in the western and eastern wings of the Iron Throne, so send two characters to the sides to free them.

How to save Grand Duke Ravengard in BG3

Wyll's father after being rescued from the iron throne in bg3
Image via Larian

Since the Grand Duke served his purpose, Gortash imprisons him in the eastern wing of the Iron Throne. Saving him will grant you his help along with the Order of the Flaming Fist loyal to the Grand Duke. In addition, your companion Wyll thanks you for saving his father from his untimely end, and you can pursue further romance options with him.


If you want to romance Wyll, you must save his father. And he’s helpful in the final fight in Baldur’s Gate.

How to save Omeluum in BG3

The friendly Mind Flayer from the Underdark is also trapped in here. After your choices with Omeluum concerning your parasite in Act One, it is possible to find him trapped down here with the other prisoners.

You can find him in the southwestern wing of the Iron Throne, and saving him will allow him to teleport back to the submersible immediately, so save him for last.

Now you’ve freed all potential allies from the Iron Throne, it’s time to escape.

How to save everyone in the Iron Throne within six turns

Minsc, a man with tattoos and leather armor in BG3
Saving the prisoners will be hard work, and sacrifices may need to be made. Image via Larian Studios

It is possible to save everyone in the Iron Throne within six turns. However, you will need to make some executive sacrifices and strategic moves, including:

  1. Save before initiating the challenge. You might die or need to reset because one of the prisoners was killed. So, having a pre-challenge save file to load when you mess up will be very helpful and will make this challenge less stressful. When you successfully save a prisoner, you can create a separate save file to reload from this point instead of the pre-challenge one if you need it.
  2. Prioritize your character and the prisoners. If you die, you’ll have to reload and try again. So, having your character die isn’t worth it, and if you want to save the prisoners, you can’t let them die, either. There may be moments where you have to choose between your companions and the prisoners, and you should choose the prisoners because you can resurrect your companions via Withers. They may not like it, but at least the prisoners are alive.
  3. Use Haste. This spell not only grants Haste, meaning you get an extra action per turn for three turns, but your Armor Class increases by two, your movement speed is doubled, and you gain an Advantage on Dexterity Saving Throws. So, this is an excellent spell to use if you need to increase the defense of one of your companions or yourself and get that much-needed extra action to either deal another attack, use a buff or debuff spell, or heal.
  4. Use Potions and Elixirs. Potions and Elixirs are replenishable, but the prisoners are not. So if you’ve got potions, use them. When completing this quest, I tried various potions to see what worked the best and which were a bit of a waste. While I don’t recommend relying on them, they can be great in a pinch.
    • Potion of Speed: This will increase your Haste for three turns, meaning you can have an extra attack each turn. When used on characters like Karlach or Lae’zel who get extra actions from their best builds, you will find you can sometimes get three actions per turn, which can be very useful if you need to use a potion, heal, use a buff, or just go all out with attacks.
    • Elixir of Hill Giant Strength: This will increase your strength to 21 until your next long rest. It can be very useful for Karlach or Lae’zel.
    • Elixir of Barkskin: This will increase your Armor Class to 16 and can be very beneficial in increasing the defense of squishy characters or even tanks.

You can only use one Elixir at a time, meaning the effects do not stack. So, if you want to use the Elixir of Giant Strength on one character and then Barkskin, only the Barkskin effects will remain.

  1. Use Summons. Whether it’s spells or scrolls, summon minions, creatures, or balls of fire to help fight and protect you from danger. Some of the ones you’ll want to consider using include:
    • Scroll of Flaming Sphere: This summons a flaming sphere that deals 2d6 Fire damage to nearby objects and enemies.
    • Guardian of Faith: Summon a guardian to fight by your side. This is similar to the one you had to fight in Rosymorn Monastery.
    • Create Undead: You can raise a small to medium corpse to fight by your side. This is a level six necromance spell, so depending on your level, you might not have it just yet.
  2. Use Invisibility or Misty Step. If you want to bypass enemies and go the stealth route, you can separate your party, use Invisibility or an Invisibility Potion, and slowly navigate past enemies to free the prisoners. Or use Misty Step to get around quickly.

With all this in mind, you can free the prisoners and hopefully give them enough of a buffer to escape without getting killed. If not, you can try again.

Should you side with Redhammer or turn him in in BG3?

Redhammer, a man with a monocle and a beard, and Allandra, a woman with fins and silver armor in BG3
The decision is yours, but you can have the best of both worlds. Image via Larian Studios

You should side with Redhammer only until you complete everything in the Iron Throne, and then turn him over to the Waverservants once you’re done.

If you hand Redhammer over before completing the Iron Throne, you won’t be able to access it, and you will be killing Wyll’s father, Duke Ravengard, and all the Gondians. And if you’re trying to romance Wyll, he doesn’t approve of you killing his father. So, it’s easier to side with him initially and then hand him over to be punished when he’s no longer of use.

Once you return from the Iron Throne, Waveservants will await you outside. If you turn Redhammer over to them, they will thank you, and the quest will be complete. If you side with him, the Waveservants will attack you, resulting in an additional battle.

Regardless of your choice, the Avenge the Drowned quest ends here. Once you’ve completed the Avenge the Drowned quest, you must focus on gaining more allies for the final war against the Mind Flayer army.


Anish Nair
Freelance gaming writer for Dot Esports. An avid gamer of 25 years with a soft spot for RPGs and strategy games. Esports writer for 2 years and a watcher for 12 years. Aspiring author. Dad to a host of animals. Usually found trying to climb ranks in Dota 2, plundering the seas in Sea of Thieves, or mining rare minerals in Deep Rock Galactic.


Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.