Diablo 4 Scourge of the Land boss guide: How to find, beat, and all rewards

Defeat the Scourge and get those rewards.

a dungeon entrance in diablo 4
Image via Blizzard.

The Scourge of the Land boss in Diablo 4 is as vile as the name suggests. But you may need to beat him if you’re after a specific Legendary Aspect or the rewards he drops. Unfortunately, finding him and beating him is challenging.

How to find the Scourge of the Land in Diablo 4

Red arrow pointing to the tormented dungeon in diablo 4
The Tormented Ruins dungeon is close to Kyovashad. Image via Blizzard.

The Scourge of the Land appears in six dungeons across The Sanctuary of Diablo 4. Depending on where you defeat him, the Legendary Aspect you get will also be different.

So, you can check and see which dungeon drops the Legendary Aspect you need, or you can complete all the dungeons to get all seven Legendary Aspects. The choice is yours. But this table shows the location of all six dungeons, and the Legendary Aspect the Scourge of the Lands, drops after you’ve defeated him.

DungeonDungeon LocationLegendary Aspect
Betrayer’s Row
(min. level: 15)
Accursed Wastes in the Dry SteppesAspect of Potent Blood—Necromancer only
Endless Gates
(min. level: 35)
Umir Plateau in HawezarAspect of the Rampaging Werebeast—Druid only
Grinning Labyrinth
(min. level: 15)
Khargai Crags in the Dry SteppesAspect of the Calm Breeze—Druid only
(min. level: 35)
Amber Sands in KehjistanVengeful Aspect—Rogues only
Path of the Blind
(min. level: 10)
Khargai Crags in the Dry SteppesAspect of Bursting Bones—Necromancer only
Prison of Caldeum
(min. level: 45)
Caldeum in KehjistanOpprtunist’s Aspects—Rogues only
Tormented Ruins
(min. level: one)
Desolate Highlands in the Fractured PeaksAspect of the Unsatiated—Druids only.

Even though Barbarians and Sorcerers don’t get a Legendary Aspect from these dungeons, they’re still worth doing for alts and to increase that region’s renown.

Now you know where to find the Scourge of the Lands, it’s time to enter the respective dungeon. And like all boss dungeons, they’re located in the very last room.

How to beat the Scourge of the Lands in Diablo 4

Woman holding fire and wearing leather armor in Diablo 4
Sorcerers excel in this fight because they can use the pillars for cover. Screenshot by Dot Esports

To beat the Scourge of the Lands in Diablo 4, you must know his attacks, how to counter them, what consumables you should bring, and a general game plan.

Scourge of the Lands’ attacks and how to counter them

The Scourge of the Lands boss in Diablo 4 has four attacks: Front Slam, Fire Breath, Summon Minions, and Front Cleave. As a boss, his attacks deal substantial damage, so you need to counter them. And some leave behind damaging effects you need to avoid.

These are all his attacks, how to counter them, and if you’ll receive any effects if they hit you.

AttackWhat he doesHow to counter
Front SlamHe slams his fists into the ground twice and leaves behind two red pools.Dodge out of the way and stand behind him.
Fire BreathHe spawns fire in a thin line in front of him.Dodge to the left or right of it.
Summon MinionsMinions will be summoned from the red pools of his Front Slam. You just have to gather them and kill them as soon as possible. AoE abilities are good for this.
Front SwipeHe swipes his weapon in front of him once or twice in a cone.
– You may become Vulnerable for three seconds if you’re hit, which means his attacks will do more damage to you.
Dodge out of the way or stand behind him.

Most of his attacks are frontal, which means you can dodge out of the way and stand behind him to avoid the area of damage.

Best consumables to bring to the Scourge of the Lands Boss fight in Diablo 4

A Diablo 4 character standing near an Alchemist's workshop.
You can craft elixirs at Alchemists. Screenshot by Dot Esports

In addition to the Health Potions you’ll need during the fight against the Scourge of the Lands, there are two other consumables you should consider bringing to this boss fight, including:

  1. Elixir of Fire Resistance: This will help reduce the fire damage you take. However, depending on your alchemy level, you may only be able to craft the lower version of this, the Weak Elixir of Fire Resistance.
  2. Third Eye Elixir: This is an excellent elixir if you’re one of the slower classes, like a Necromancer. It increases your dodge, so you can hopefully dodge the Scourge’s attacks better.

Use your elixir before the fight, as they last for 30 minutes. So, as long as you beat the Scourge before the time’s up, you only need to consume one.

How to beat the Scourge of the Lands, explained

Woman pointing Scythe to a pack of werewolves in Diablo 4
Necromancers can use their minions to tank damage as well. Screenshot by Dot Esports via Blizzard Entertainment

When you’re ready, enter the fight with Scourge of the Lands. He will begin to use a series of attacks, and you need to dodge them and attack him from behind. In addition to the four attacks, there are a few other things you should know about this fight, including:

  • When his health is at 75, 50, and 25 percent, he will drop Health Potions, so be sure to pick those up
  • There are pillars around the room you can hide behind to avoid his attacks. However, this doesn’t work on his AoE abilities.
  • When he summons his minions, group them and use whatever AoE spells or abilities you have to kill them quickly because their damage to you adds up.

This is a relatively easy fight, so long as you dodge his attacks. If you can do that and attack him from behind, this fight shouldn’t take more than a few minutes.

All rewards from the Scourge of the Lands in Diablo 4

Once you defeat the Scourge of the Lands, you will receive the Legendary Aspect respective to that dungeon, gold, and one to two items. The rarity of these items will depend on the World Tier you’re completing the dungeon in.

So, the higher your World Tier, the harder this fight becomes, but the mechanics are still the same. However, this is everything you need to know about how to find and beat the Scourge of the Land in Diablo 4.


Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.