Best supports to pair with Kai’Sa in League of Legends

Here are the best duo partners for the Daughter of the Void.

Woman with hair tied up wearing gold armor and two guns in her hands in League of Legends.
Image via Riot Games

League of Legends is constantly evolving, with new champions introduced and updates warping the meta on a patch-by-patch basis. After falling by the wayside for most of the season, Kai’Sa has returned to popularity in time for split two of Season 13 and is now among the most popular champions.

The best duo with Kai’Sa in League of Legends

The best supports to pair with Kai’Sa in League include Alistar, Blitzcrank, Nautilus, Rell, Thresh, Amumu, Renata Glasc, and Zyra. Kai’Sa is a relatively squishy champion, so the best support for her is one that is tanky and can help her engage or disengage from fights.

This means Kai’Sa is quite a particular champion who requires a strong setup from her team and, most importantly, from her support.

Like most ADCs, her potential and power are directly related to who she’s laning with. In Season 13, the tank support meta is still going strong, and champions like Lulu, Yuumi, and Milio aren’t cutting it as supports for Kai’Sa, so they should be avoided. Luckily for her, there are quite a few good choices that synergize.

Alistar paired with Kai’Sa

Alistar wearing his Moo Cow skin.
Alistar’s engage makes him a strong support for Kai’Sa. Image via Riot Games

Every champion has its own “theme,” and Alistar excels at one thing: engaging, which means he’s the perfect support for Kai’Sa. Thanks to his kit, the tank support is the perfect champion for picking off an enemy or finding the right angle to initiate a teamfight. Also, thanks to his ultimate, he can tank much more damage than other supports in the game’s later stages. In a meta where supports are heavily under-leveled compared to other roles, Alistar’s kit gains a lot of value the longer the game goes. 

When paired with Kai’Sa, both champions’ potential is enhanced. The marksman can easily follow up Alistar’s engage with her ultimate and nuke a target down, but she can also kite with ease since the support champion can also use his Headbutt (W) or Pulverize (Q) defensively to block the enemy’s pick attempt. 

Alistar is easy to learn but requires strong mechanics to land combos consistently. If you’re new to Alistar, I highly recommend hitting the practice Rift and testing his kit until you’re confident pulling off his combo. Remember to use your Trample (E) to omit unit collision and Unbreakable Will (R) to clean yourself from crowd control. If you see a Kai’Sa on your team, Alistar is one of the go-to supports that will always work. 

Blitzcrank paired with Kai’Sa

Blitzcrank wearing his Space Groove skin.
If you can land your hook—your Kai’Sa has a better chance of getting ahead. Image via Riot Games

Blitzcrank is a powerful support to pair with Kai’Sa. If Alistar is the perfect champion for engages and teamfights, then Blitzcrank is the champion that maximizes the pick potential. A well-landed Rocket Grab (Q) can completely change the flow of a game, and Kai’Sa loves when the targets are isolated from the rest of the team since her Icathian Rain (Q) will deal much more damage.

That being said, Blitzcrank is primarily an aggressive pick that doesn’t offer much in terms of defensive skills. While he can knock up a target with his Power Fist (E) or silence him with the Static Field (R), the crowd control is too short to make it a strong peeling support. 

The goal of playing Blitzcrank with Kai’Sa is to look for long-range hooks and punish the targeted enemy. I really enjoy playing Blitzcrank support, especially if you know the best cheese hook locations because if you can grab the enemy support or even a squishy enemy ADC, your Kai’Sa can whittle down their health, and you’ll secure a win for your team. And if you manage to get the ADC ahead, she will take over the game thanks to her excellent scaling. 

Nautilus paired with Kai’Sa

Nautilus wearing his Warden skin.
Nautilus is a strong and reliable support for any ADC. Image via Riot Games

Despite the various nerfs the champion received throughout the years, Nautilus is still one of the most popular support champions and a strong, reliable, and engaging support to pair with Kai’Sa. He has a straightforward kit that is easy to learn, and his ultimate is a reliable point-and-click knock up which is perfect for Kai’Sa. 

Like the champions I mentioned earlier, Nautilus can easily close the gap on an opponent with his Dredge Line (Q). If you add his passive and the slow from his Riptide (E), it’s quite a lot of crowd control that can be connected all on one target. The main issue with this champion is that he’s easy to burst down when not having Aftershock as the keystone rune or if he falls behind in the early-mid game.

With other supports, you can still be relevant with game-changing hooks or ultimates; it’s much harder to have the same impact with Nautilus when at a disadvantage.


If you’re not confident in landing your Nautilus hook or unsure of its range, I find the best thing to do is practice by visualizing the range when you’re on the Rift. Soon enough, landing this tanky champion’s hook will be like second nature to you.

Rell paired with Kai’Sa

Rell wearing her Star Guardian skin.
Rell is a solid support duo for Kai’Sa in Season 13. Image via Riot Games

After her most recent rework, Rell is a fantastic support for Kai’Sa due to her hard engages and teamfighting initiation. She is similar to Alistar. However, the main difference between the two lies in the speed and accuracy of the engage: Alistar offers a much faster and instant option, while Rell is more reliable, even though it’s easier to be predicted or read. 

Rell and Kai’Sa work well mainly because they can quickly focus on one target without allowing enemies to fight back. Rell’s Crash Down (W) into Attract (E) and Repel combo can keep the target stunned long enough for Kai’Sa to burst it down. The ultimate is the icing on the cake to ensure the enemies don’t run away. 

That being said, Rell and Kai’Sa require a lot more coordination in order to chain all the spells in the right order. While it’s not necessary, I find that I am the best support for my ADC and team when I’m playing with a duo partner if we’re taking the Rell and Kai’Sa combo to the bot lane, purely because it’s easier to communicate the coordination needed to pull off their combo chains.

And when they’re mastered, this bot lane will allow you to enter the mid-game way ahead of the enemy duo.

Thresh paired with Kai’Sa

Thresh wearing his Blood Moon skin.
Thresh offers engage, disengage, and repositioning opportunities. Image via Riot Games

Like Rell, Thresh is an incredibly Kai’Sa support for Kai’Sa, but communication is key regarding plays, and you’re looking to trade slow and steady rather than flex your strengths right off the bat. When you think of the ideal support, Thresh will probably be the answer. There aren’t many other support champions that can do what Thresh’s all-in-one kit can do, and it’s not a surprise that he has become one of the game’s most iconic characters. 

Thresh provides engage, disengage, and a 99 percent AoE slow with his ultimate. In addition, he technically also has better scaling than most from his role thanks to the stacking souls, which grant him additional ability power, and armor. 

Playing Thresh with Kai’Sa, however, is slightly different from the hook champions like Blitzcrank or Nautilus, so it may take a while to understand the synergy between these two. While the Chain Warden still offers a grab, the best synergy for the two is to play the trade slowly and use the right spacing to deal damage without giving the opponents a chance to fight back. 

For example, during the laning phase, if Thresh lands a hook, Kai’Sa should ideally walk up, use her spells to deal some damage, and then disengage. By doing that repeatedly, you can force the enemy out of the lane or look for lethal if they decide to overstay. In a teamfight situation, it will be important as Thresh to understand whether you should play to peel Kai’Sa or look for the right picks with the hook. 

If you’re not in a duo, you can always ask how aggressive people like to play—this is something I always ask my ADC as a support. Doing this lets you know whether they like to be aggressive, go all in, or want to trade slowly until they have a few items and abilities. And if you’re the ADC, you can always let your support know your game plan so that they can match your stride.

It might take some time to master Thresh, but once you get used to him, he becomes a primary choice to pair with Kai’Sa.

Amumu paired with Kai’Sa

Amumu wearing his Infernal skin.
He may be an off-meta pick, but Amumu is an excellent support to pair with Kai’Sa. Image via Riot Games

Ever since Riot Games decided to make him a flex pick in the support role, Amumu has been a strong choice when it comes to hard engaging, and he is such a menace in the bot lane when he’s paired with Kai’Sa. His updated Bandage Toss is great for quickly making engages, and his ultimate is perfect for starting game-changing fights.

Just like all the other supports, Amumu has a similar formula: a gap closer, crowd control, and tankiness. He also shares the same issues, which means that once he commits to a play, there is no point of return. In some cases, it can backfire hard. 

Nonetheless, with the amount of crowd control Amumu has, Kai’Sa is usually guaranteed to have enough time to take down any target. 

Renata Glasc paired with Kai’sa

Renata Glasc's new Prestige La Ilusión skin.
With her powerful kit, Renata Glasc is one of the best supports for your Kai’Sa bot lane. Image via Riot Games

Renata Glasc was added to League in February 2022, and has been since then one of the strongest supports in the game. This comes thanks to her unique yet strong kit, especially her ultimate called Hostile Takeover.

The ability does wonders when it comes to dismantling enemy teams in teamfights, both in aggressive and defensive approach. When looking for a fight, Renata Glasc can use it to turn enemies against each other. When trying to defend, it’s stellar in confusing opponents and giving yourself some time to flee. On top of that, the rest of Renata’s abilities are also impressive and come in handy numerous times, especially in the laning phase.

When paired with Kai’Sa, Renata Glasc provides tons of much-needed utility. The ADC champion can follow Renata’s engage, or kite the enemy squad while Glasc holds them off with her kit. All in all, due to both of them being versatile and scaling pretty well, they make an explosive duo.


Landing a good ultimate is crucial on Renata Glasc. If you aim to pick her, make sure you know how to read the game well, as using a solid Hostile Takeover is often the turning point of a teamfight.

Zyra paired with Kai’Sa

Splash art for Crystal Rose Swain and Zyra. Swain appears in a white tuxedo with green hair, while Zyra sits next to him in a white dress with light green hair.
Her thorns are even deadlier when paired with Kai’Sa. Image via Riot Games

Like Renata Glasc, Zyra is a pretty squishy support, but she is an absolute dream to pair with Kai’Sa, especially after her buffs in Patch 13.14. And what she lacks in tankiness, she makes up for in creating ambush opportunities with her Grasping Roots (E) and damaging abilities, like Stranglethorns (R), her ultimate, or even her Deadly Spines (Q).

Nothing is more enjoyable than your Grasping Roots (E) rooting an enemy, your seeds activating to create damage-inducing plants, and your Kai’Sa unleashing her abilities on the unsuspecting enemy. And with her seed buff, you can use the extra seed to help create more vision, which is great if you’re looking for that additional layer of protection.

You must be mindful of your positioning and squishiness and ensure you communicate with your Kai’Sa to nail down the combos. Overall, the Zyra and Kai’Sa bot lane duo is powerful and worth trying in the bot lane.

Best Kai’Sa supports in League of Legends, summarized

There are eight supports that work best with Kai’Sa in League of Legends, so you have plenty to choose from.

  • Alistar
    • Alistar excels at engaging and creating opportunities for he and kai’Sa to enter teamfights.
  • Blitzcrank
    • Kai’Sa excels at destroying isolated targets, and Blitzcrank’s Rocket Grab can create plenty of these opportunities.
  • Nautilus
    • Like Blitzcrank, Nautlius can isolate targets for Kai’Sa, but his ultimate is a great knock up that can set up targets for Kai’Sa as well.
  • Rell
    • Rell excels at hard engages and teamfighting initiation. She couples best with Kai’Sa when the two are focusing on the same individual target together.
  • Thresh
    • Thresh has better scaling than most support champions, and excels at offering Kai’Sa both engage and disengage opportunities.
  • Amumu
    • This champion does very well when it comes to hard engaging, and his array of crowd control abilities can create plenty of windows for Kai’Sa to eliminate an opponent.
  • Renata Glasc
    • She’s a phenomenal support in many scenarios, providing unique crowd control and prowess to teamfights.
  • Zyra
    • Zyra is a bit squishier, but she creates plenty of ambush opportunities with her abilities. She and Kai’Sa work best together in the bot lane.

These are the best Kai’Sa supports in League of Legends, but you’ll not be guaranteed any wins just for using them alongside Kai’Sa. You’ll have to make sure that you communicate with your teammates to maximize the potential of your champion combinations.


Davide Xu
Davide is a League expert with nearly 10 years of experience and knowledge. Once a young talent that wanted to go pro, he now enjoys talking about the game and competitive scene. @Dovi_X on Twitter


Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.


Mateusz Miter
Polish Staff Writer. Mateusz previously worked for numerous outlets and gaming-adjacent companies, including ESL. League of Legends or CS:GO? He loves them both. In fact, he wonders which game he loves more every day. He wanted to go pro years ago, but somewhere along the way decided journalism was the more sensible option—and he was right.