Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Magic Artifacts to give Gale in BG3

You don't need to give him your best items.

Man leaning back in pain clutching his purple glowing chest in BG3
Screenshot by Dot Esports

In Baldur’s Gate 3, Gale, one of your companions, has a mysterious object embedded in his chest. And to survive, he must consume the magic from items. However, that doesn’t mean you must give him your Legendary amulets or gear.

Here are the best magic items to give Gale in BG3.

What are the best magic items to give to Gale in BG3

The wizard Gale, in a purple robe, lights a group of enemies on fire on a bridge in BG3.
Don’t give him anything valuable. Image via Larian Studios

The best magical items to give to Gale in BG3 are those you don’t see yourself using, ones you’ve outgrown, or common or uncommon items.

What magic items should you avoid giving to Gale?

You should avoid giving Gale any rare, ultrarare, or legendary items.

But these are seven magic items you won’t need in the end game that are great to give to Gale—and they’re ones you can get early in Act One.

Magic ItemLocation
Komira’s LocketThe reward for Saving Arabella in Druid Grove
Gloves of PowerLoot from Za’krug at the entrance of Druid Grove
The Watcher’s GuideFound in the sarcophagus in the Dank Crypt
Cap of CuringSteal from a locked chest by the bard, Alfira, in Druid Grove.
Moondrop PendantFound inside the Selunite Glided Chest in the Owlbear’s Nest
Rain DancerPurchased from Arron, the first merchant you find when entering Druid Grove
Silver PendantLoot from a skeleton Northwest of the Roadside Cliffs (X: 154 and Y: 368)

Thankfully, you only need to give him three items in Act One, meaning he won’t ask for magic items in Acts Two or Three. So, it’s just easier to give him the magic items you no longer need or use.

What happens if you don’t give him magic items?

If you don’t give Gale magic items, he will eventually steal them from you.

The magic items in the table above are the ones I stopped using or didn’t even need when I found them early in Act One. So, I kept three on hand for Gale, gave them to him when he asked for them, and sold the rest.

Bug fix: What to do if Gale isn’t consuming the magical items?

Man with shoulder-length hair in purple robe in BG3, waving a hand to the left as he talks to someone in the foreground.
The bug makes Gale even more fickle than usual. Image via Larian Studios

If you’re experiencing a bug where Gale isn’t consuming the magical items, there is a way to fix this:

  • Send the item from your inventory to Gale’s
  • Right-click on the magic item and select the “consume” option

Gale will consume the magic from the item. If you don’t see the consume option, you may need to try another magical item until this bug is officially resolved.

Whether you give Gale items is up to you; however, it’s an excellent way to get rid of your unwanted magical items and gain favor with Gale.

Gale is one of those companions you either love or hate, but as he’s a versatile wizard, he’s helpful in several party compositions. So, to gain favor with him and stop him from exploding or stealing from you, these are seven of the best magic items to give him in BG3.


Hayley Andrews
Hayley is a gamer, writer, and author with a background in Business. Hayley graduated with a dual degree in Business Management and Human Resource Management in Australia. She spent many years in business until she found her passion for creative writing and the gaming industry. When she’s not indulging in the latest anime, she can be found reading or playing video games.