Apex Legends players left with more questions than answers after devs try to fix ranked

That is not the way.

Apex Legends Final Fantasy skins
Image via Respawn Entertainment

Respawn Entertainment made a change to Apex Legends ranked on Dec. 19 that’s meant to make climbing easier for players, but the community is confused and disappointed with the changes.

The developer silently pushed an update to make Promo Trials easier in ranked. It means the tasks were adjusted so players have an easier time fulfilling them in a set number of games.

Players who were “at or beyond the updated goal threshold” will also be automatically promoted in their next ranked game, regardless of the outcome.

Despite the changes looking positive, players claim the issues with ranked weren’t linked to Promo Trials.

“So what is the point of having promo trials?” one player asked on Reddit. “You should fix matchmaking,” another added. Players argued there were other issues to fix, and that if the tasks became too easy to complete, they would lose their interest.

They also argued that the point penalty for entering matches is too great, especially for solo queue players who struggle to get through the early stage of a match.

Promo Trials was a controversial addition to ranked season 19, last October. It added tasks players have to fulfill in a certain number of matches to get to the higher tier. If they don’t succeed, they’ll be stuck in their current rank, until reaching Promo Trials again.

To get to Diamond and Master, for example, players had to win a game with a certain number of tries, which was very challenging.

Season 19 will last until Feb. 13, 2024, meaning players still have plenty of time to climb the ladder.


Eva Martinello
Eva is a Staff Writer from Paris. Her part-time job is charging into walls with Reinhardt. She has been covering League of Legends esports and other titles for six years. She still believes in a Moscow Five comeback. She also fell into the MMO pit and covers FFXIV and Genshin.